January 6, 2005

Leading Brands, Inc. announces Q3 results.

February 1, 2005

Brand X Originals� and Infinity Sparkling Mountain Spring Water� are now produced and in the market in Canada.





Leading Brands, Inc. is North America's only independent, fully integrated, premium beverage company. Leading Brands Integrated Distribution System (IDS) is our proprietary integrated brand management system, unparalleled across North America.

We have the system in place to fully handle all aspects of bringing beverage products to market. This includes product development and packaging, warehousing, transportation and supply chain management, distribution, sales and marketing

Leading Brands has developed an enviable portfolio of proprietary brands. Our beverage brands include SOY2O™, Pez® 100% Juices™, TREK® Optimized Performance Beverages™, Caesar's Bloody Caesar¨, Cool Canadian ¨Premium Spring Water, Country Harvest¨ Natural Juices. Our food brands include Marlene's, First Choice and Alamo. With each brand, we strive to provide the highest possible quality and the lowest possible price to the consumer. read more...

© 2005 Leading Brands, Inc