First published in July 2003, the Leading Brands Shareholder Newsletter provides a frequent flow of information to our shareholders. New issues are published regularly, on the first business day of most months. The Shareholder Newsletter is only available on this page. Each issue simply focuses on the events and developments of the prior month. These are not "forward looking" documents. They will not substitute for news releases of material events or facts. We hope you find these newsletters to be of interest.
Current Issue - May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008 - It struck me last week that we rarely talk in these newsletters about our plant and operations people. With all the excitement of new brands and listings it is too easy to pass over recognition of those who make and deliver what we sell.
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Past Issue Archive
April 1, 2008 - In keeping with the tradition of the past couple of months, I thought it worthwhile to mention some of the recent new listings for our brands..
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March 1, 2008 - The following are some of the more significant new listings for our brands:
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February 1, 2008 - It has been a busy couple of months since the last Newsletter. The following are some of our more significant new grocery listings...
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December 1, 2007 - For those of you who have been watching on our behalf, the situation at Albertson's Florida has been resolved favorably and our sku presence in that chain will not only be back in line but soon greatly enhanced.
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November 1, 2007 - Yesterday�s news release announcing the appointment of TNT Marketing as our convenience store sales partner signifies our push to obtain additional national and super-regional listings for our single serve beverage portfolio across the US.
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