December 1, 2004 Our brands...

November 1, 2004 We were in South Florida working with our distributor on placing Soy2O� into our listing with Publix� stores there.

October 1, 2004 Why would anyone buy shares of Leading Brands? With our stock trading around $1.00 US, and despite what some might suggest, that is not a rhetorical question.

September 1, 2004 On September 20, 2004 we are scheduled to present at the Merriman Curhan Ford & Co Investor Summit in San Francisco.

August 1, 2004 Our Annual General Meeting was held on July 27, 2004.

July 1, 2004 As the Company held its Year End and Q1 Conference Call on June 28, 2004, there will not be a July 1, 2004 Newsletter. We anticipate the next Newsletter to be posted on August 1, 2004.

June 1, 2004 For the past year I have looked forward to the time when I could say that: �we have for several months now been producing at record volumes.�

May 1, 2004 Our plants are continuing to hum right along. April was even busier than March, with efficiencies improving yet again.

April 1, 2004 Production in our Edmonton plant is virtually sold out for the balance of Spring and Summer!

March 1, 2004 The last weeks of February saw our plant production ramp up as our customers began building volume in advance of spring.

February 1, 2004 I hope that you had a great Holiday Season and take this opportunity to wish you the best for 2004. more...

December 1, 2003 Our seasonal transition in focus from beverage to food products went very well this year.

November 1, 2003 Sales in September held up very well as weather cooled and October seems to be following a similar trend.


OUR BRANDS, December 2003:
TREK nitro Caesar's Country Harvest Cool Canadian Pez TREK nitro Caesar's Country Harvest Cool Canadian Pez Brand X Soy2o Infinity TrueBlue

OUR BRANDS, December 2004:

Our next newsletter will be February 1, 2005. All the best for the Holiday Season.


We Build Brands™
